Beijing International Airport. China.

Couple at the seashore enjoys the view. Tel Aviv, Israel

Sitting bowed Buddha. Antique sculpture. Hong kong.

Cotton-Top Tamarin (Saguinus Oedipus). They are one of the smallest of the primates. Live in Costa Rica and north western Columbia.

Street in traditional village of Dassanech tribe. Omorato, Ethio

Interior of Beijing International Airport. China.

Ein Gedi Beach. Dead Sea, Israel

Interior of Subway (Mass Transit Railway) train. Hong Kong.

Ein Gedi Beach. Dead Sea, Israel

Kookaburra sits on balcony balustrade. Jarvis Bay. Australia.

Ein Gedi Beach. Dead Sea, Israel

Overcrowded bus. Phnom Penh. Cambodia.

Overcrowded bus, with locals sitting even on the roof, is about to leave bus station. Phnom Penh. Cambodia.