Orthodox monastery Davidova Pustin and Assumption church of the Blessed Virgin Mary in winter. Chekhov. Moscow region. Russia.

St Mariam Coptic Orthodox Cathedral. Asmara. Eritrea. Africa.

View from St. Mary's Catholic Cathedral. Asmara. Eritrea. Africa.

Child baptism in Basilica of the Annunciation. Nazareth. Israel.

Interior of Stella Maris Church. Haifa. Israel.

Side entrance to st. Marys Cathedral in Sydney. Australia

Child baptism in Basilica of the Annunciation. Nazareth. Israel.

St Mariam Coptic Orthodox Cathedral. Asmara. Eritrea. Africa.

St Mariam Coptic Orthodox Cathedral. Asmara. Eritrea. Africa.

Orthodox monastery Davidova Pustin and Assumption church of the Blessed Virgin Mary in winter. Chekhov. Moscow region. Russia.

Fasade detail. Cathedral of the Assumption in kremlin. Moscow. Russia.

St Mariam Coptic Orthodox Cathedral. Asmara. Eritrea. Africa.

View from St. Mary's Catholic Cathedral. Asmara. Eritrea. Africa.

View from St. Mary's Catholic Cathedral. Asmara. Eritrea. Africa.

Orthodox monastery Davidova Pustin and Assumption church of the Blessed Virgin Mary in winter. Chekhov. Moscow region. Russia.

Gargoyle near St. Mary's Cathedral in Sydney. Australia.

St Mariam Coptic Orthodox Cathedral. Asmara. Eritrea. Africa.

View from St. Mary's Catholic Cathedral. Asmara. Eritrea. Africa.

Sculpture of Madonna in Church of St. Dominic (Domingos). Macau.

St Mariam Coptic Orthodox Cathedral. Asmara. Eritrea. Africa.