Ancient Roman Fortress. Gonio. Georgia.

Damascus gate. Jerusalem old town, Israel

Ruins of ancient Masada fortress. Israel.

View of Judaean Desert and Dead See from Masada. Israel.

Memorial of Georgian Warriors. Gori. Georgia.

Ruins of ancient Masada fortress. Israel.

Edinburgh Castle by day. Scotland. UK.

Underground Citadel and prison. Akko (Acre). Israel.

View of Judaean Desert and Dead See from Masada. Israel

Damascus gate. Jerusalem old town, Israel

Citadel of Karim Khan (Arg-e Karim Khani), Shiras, Iran

Cupola of the Cathedral of the Transfiguration. Yaroslavl. Russia.

Citadel of Karim Khan (Arg-e Karim Khani), Shiras, Iran

Ruins of ancient Masada fortress. Israel.

External walls and old canons. Monte fort. Macau. China

External walls and old canons. Monte fort. Macau. China

Gate church. Borisoglebsy monastery. Russia

Ruins of ancient Masada fortress. Israel.

Ancient Roman Fortress. Gonio. Georgia.

Ancient Roman Fortress. Gonio. Georgia.

Ancient Roman Fortress. Gonio. Georgia.

Cable car to Masada fortress. Israel.

Ruins of ancient Masada fortress. Israel.

Ruins of ancient Masada fortress. Israel.

Ancient Roman Fortress. Gonio. Georgia.

Ruins of ancient Masada fortress. Israel.

Walls and tower of Smolensk Kremlin. Russia